Tuesday 24 February 2009

Are you 'hooked' on cigarettes?

Below is a NHS smoking advertisement which I found particularly shocking as well as distressing. I have chosen this advertisement as I would like to know what others think of the government forcing these types of campaigns on everyday people – smokers and non-smokers.

'Would this Fish Hook advertisement which is obviously purposely shocking make you think twice before lighting your cigarette?'

This advertisement which appeared on huge billboards across the country is a form of shock advertising designed intentionally to break through the fragmentation of todays media clutter. It is therefore purposely made shocking to make smokers/ex-smokers/people thinking of smoking to remember and reinforce the message - smoking could lead to 'more pain than pleasure'. The shock tactics of the NHS used has caused some strong emotions amoung people which is exactly what its intention is -further publicity of the intended message

One theory by Walster and Festinger (1962) states that people who are aware of the intent to persuade will be less persuadable - therefore iterates those who will smoke in defiance of the adverts intentionally. I certainly have, so this advertisement could have the danger of disengaging consumers and causing the opposite intended effect!

Joffe.H (2008) research has proven that strong emotions such as 'disgust' and 'fear' are used to penetrate and help illustrate the message deeper, evoking cognitive thinking, stronger pathways = remembering advert better etc. NHS campaigns have used this emotion to evoke fear and disgust making sure we remember the advert but is this propaganda fair to the public?

An article in The Times (2008) has argued that although the NHS has spent £500 million on the recent smoking campaigns there has been no discernible impact on the population of smokers in the UK which has stayed at approx 24%.

As a 'social-smoker' I feel these adverts do make me think about smoking and I have definitely remembered most of them while lighting up my next cigarette (a pang on guilt) - especially after seeing the clogged up artery mentioned so many times. In fact, I think after conducting some research for a project that it's time to quit. This was partially because of the smoking hysteria surrounding smoking and being a social smoker has become more and more of a hassle and less social!

What do you think about the ‘fish hook’ adverts? Are they a violation of our freedom – forcing government propaganda upon us? Do you think they work or do you choose to ignore?